Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I Hate Memes, But I'll Do This One, I Think

I've been meme-tagged by Angry Ballerina. It's a middle name meme, and the rules follow:

1. You have to post the rules before you give your answers.
2. You must list one fact about yourself beginning with each letter of your middle name. (If you don’t have a middle name, use your maiden name or your mother’s maiden name).
3. At the end of your blog post, you need to tag one person (or blogger of another species) for each letter of your middle name. (Be sure to leave them a comment telling them they’ve been tagged.)

Here goes:

S - Swimmer. I was a member of my high school varsity swim team. I hope I can come up with better stuff than nonsense like that. Especially since I have two "E"'s in my middle name.

T - Truck driver. I went and got my Commercial Driver's Licence and spent a few months driving around the upper midwest, until it became too much of a strain on me and my family. I probably would have stuck with it if I didn't have all sorts of reasons to stay close to home.

E - Employment. Since I was sixteen years old, I have been a swim instructor, a camp counselor, a dish washer, a line server in a cafeteria-style restaurant, a hotel desk clerk, and worked for the county in a job still covered by a confidentiality agreement.

P - Pale. Being a redhead, I do not tan. Even though I spend my non-working, daytime hours in shorts during the summer, I am as pasty as a plucked chicken no matter what time of year. Tanning beds are out; I would end up getting a sunburn.

H - Horseshit. My favorite expletive, and one I learned from my father (sorry, Dad, but I did learn other things from you, too).

E - Education. When I graduated from High School, I earned not just a diploma from my local school, but a New York State Regents Diploma in Science and Spanish. I handed my diploma to my parents and went about gallivanting that evening, only to return home to find out my father was angry because I had not, it seemed, received the said Regents diplomas. In fact, my father thought that, since these pieces of paper were not to be found, I therefore had not earned them. I opened the sheepskin, and peeked behind the local HS diploma, and there was the little statement from Albany, stating that I had, indeed, earned said honors. He was immediately ameliorated; I wondered why no one else thought to do something that simple. I have since earned two more diplomas, easier to find - a BA in political science from Alfred University, Alfred, NY; a Master of Theological Studies degree from Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, DC; I studied for, but never completed, a doctorate in philosophy from The Catholic University of America, also in our nation's capitol.

N - Nixon. The night he resigned, I watched his announcement on television and cried. In my defense, I was eight years old, and Nixon was the only President I had any personal experience with (Johnson left office when I was three). On the other hand, if my child had done such a thing, a sound beating would have ensued.

Not very good? Well, then, come up with your own ER, Cameron, Alan, and Parklife (I feel OK doing this because he's added his real name to his Blogger ID).

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