Sunday, March 09, 2008

A Question

I've been ruminating a lot on the whole issue of sin (original and otherwise), the relationship between morality, personal and collective, and the Christian life, what grace really means for us as we live our lives, and other light topics. At this point, I've come to some tentative conclusions that I think are pretty controversial, but I just want to know what you, my three loyal readers, think.

When all is said and done, is the issue of personal morality - not just the whole sex thing (which is far too overblown by conservative Christians for my comfort level) but all aspects of one's personal moral conduct - not so much irrelevant but just of less consequence than our collective (i.e., as the Church) action towards furthering the Kingdom of God? Do our notions of morality bear any relevance to the needs and demands and call of the kingdom?

If you feel moved, discuss. . .

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