Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Our Broken Public Discourse, Part III (UPDATED)

As I wrote about yesterday, the on-going saga of the lunatic right going after the family of a twelve year old boy doesn't seem to want to end. The boy had the temerity to speak out on how he and his family benefited from a program the Bush Administration wants to end. Were we a truly civilized society, were we a people with a public moral sense, were we a people with an understanding of common decency - this kind of thing, while it might happen, would be the target of national approbation. It seems, alas, that Republicans in Congress are aiding and abetting this travesty. From ABC News, yesterday:
Manley cited an e-mail sent to reporters by a Senate Republican leadership aide, summing up recent blog traffic about the boy's family. A spokesman for Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., declined to comment on Manley's charge that GOP aides were complicit in spreading disparaging information about Frosts.

Meanwhile, Iraqis continue to die by the hundreds each day. Congress is well on its way to enshrining in law the revocation of the Constitution. It seems that Bush Administration managed to leak sensitive information, information that may be a fake anyway.

And what are the idiotic lunatics frothing about? A family that needed held due to a devastating, traumatic event that left then unable to meet, financially, their medical needs. Do we need any more evidence that our public discourse is broken?

UPDATE: Ezra says it best:
This is not politics. This is, in symbolism and emotion, a violent group ritual. It is savages tearing at the body of a captured enemy. It is the group reminding itself that the Other is always disingenuous, always evil, always lying, always pitiful and pathetic and grotesque. It is a bonding experience -- the collaborative nature of these hateful orgies proves that much -- in which the enemy is exposed as base and vile and then ripped apart by the community. In that way, it sustains itself, each attack preemptively justifying the next vicious assault, justifying the whole hateful edifice on which their politics rest.

With the collusion of Senate Republicans, this entire vile episode should be used by every Democratic candidate, from local municipal elections to the Presidency, as the epitome of contemporary Republicanism. These people are despicable.

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