Friday, October 12, 2007


You may have noticed the new widget at the top. I feel a bit awkward about this, but I have been thinking about doing this kind of thing for a while. How to set it up has been a bit more difficult.

I spend from twenty to thirty hours a week, uncompensated, reading, researching, and writing this blog (although the results usually seem like less . . .). That's thirty hours on top on the forty-plus hours I work. That's thirty hours a week I am not spending with my kids or my wife.

I am not asking for anyone to give should they not want to. I am asking, however, if you are so moved, to give as you might be moved.

The first of each month, starting December 1, I shall give a summary of the giving for the month. 10% of that total will be given to Poplar Grove United Methodist Church. Another 10% will be given to a non-profit organization - the NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund, Amnesty International, the Sierra Club are examples - based upon what you readers and givers might suggest. The rest will be a nice little fund to help keep me from falling in to destitution.

Let me just say, in advance, that I am uncomfortable doing this, because I do not want anyone thinking that I am demanding something from them. I also want to say thank you now for whatever you might be moved to give.

Virtual Tin Cup

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