Friday, September 28, 2007

What Is Emergent? Confessions Of A Wrestling Christian

In comments over on this thread at new Blogroll member "Swinging From the Vine", I give my own very limited perspective, which mostly involves admitting my ignorance, on what is known as the Emergent Church. Another proud booster of Emergent, Adam Walker Cleavland, demonstrates mostly by example what Emergent is, but try as I might, I really don't see what makes it so distinctive.

I mentioned in remarks in the above-linked post that it was my impression that Emergent tends to revolve around issues in the Reformed Church community (Presbyterian/UCC/certain Baptist Churches), and being United Methodist, I didn't see the relevance. While I was told that there are indeed Emergent UMs, I am still a bit befuddled, because I really don't know all that much about Emergent.

Should someone know what I'm talking about, and be able to provide a link, or even better, substantive information on Emergent, it would be most welcome. I'm not interested in joining - I'm not a joiner by preference - but I am interested in knowing what all the hubbub is about.

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