Saturday, September 08, 2007

Is He In, Out, Going, Leaving - The Travails of Larry Craig

While I think Craig's current troubles are more tragedy than anything else, I do not necessarily think it wise to announce one is resigning from the United States Senate, then decide, "maybe not so much". On the one hand, neither Craig nor his family will benefit from his continuance in the public eye as long as questions regarding his sexuality remain a matter of public debate. While it would be nice to believe, were we even somewhat utopian, that Craig's adventures in bathroom diplomacy might possibly lead to a discussion over the continued Republican bigotry towards gays and lesbians (I still marvel at the so-called "Log Cabin Republicans"; their closet is so big they apparently have contructed a small dwelling for themselves) and the damage being closeted by a homo-hating society can do to individuals and their families. Alas, most of the discussion will be prurient, led not by thoughtful, caring people, but by Jay Leno and David Letterman. It would be much better to allow Sen. Craig (whether or not he will be "former Senator" I cannot tell at this point) to deal with the subject of his sexuality on his own, away from the prying eyes and stupid comments of those who will milk this for far more laughs than it is worth.

Of course, there is the not-very-small matter of Sen. David Vitter's much more illegal activities with a Washington, DC escort service, and the deafening silence from the Republican Party on Vitter's no less heinous violation of his marriage vows and much more serious violations of the law by engaging the services of a prostitute (as opposed to merely trolling for anonymous sex in a bathroom). I suppose we wait in vain for some kind of compensating hue and cry for his rapid departure.

Sen. Craig does neither himself, his family, nor his party any favors by deciding, for whatever reasons, to stay put. While it might be nice in that it might possibly contribute to a healthy discussion of the social acceptance of sexual minorities, it will mostly be the reserve of bad comedians and even worse bigoted moralizers. Thoughtful commentary will most likely be lost in the sound and fury.

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