Saturday, August 04, 2007

Saturday Rock Show

If Jim Bush-Resko comes a-calling, he may remember that in the fall of 1986, we had tickets to see Steve Winwood in concert in Buffalo. Alas and alack, the concert was canceled, for reasons I cannot remember. Arc of a Diver was probably his best post-Traffic recording, but Roll With It sold a lot of copies. I always liked the song "Valerie"; it reminds me of the last dregs of the summer of 1982, right before I started my senior year of high school. I didn't have a "Valerie" at the time, but I identified with it anyway.

PS: You may have noticed I haven't blogged much (actually at all) today. Been busy with other things, and not really motivated to say much. Poor Mom2. I feel bad for her. Ah, well.

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