Sunday, July 29, 2007

Sunday Morning Music

I'm feeling like sharing something peaceful this A.M. Here's someone I first saw on C&L's "Late Nite Music Club". This is the kind of song that reminds me of early mornings, sitting and reading the paper with a cup of coffee with my wife. This is Andy McKee, "Into the Ocean" played on a harp guitar.

I have been given a whole lot of food for thought, to which I shall turn in due course. For now, I think it is enough to say that my crie de couer last night was the result of my own sense of frustration due to my own inability to move beyond my own sense of the limits of relating what is highly personal. I thank both ER and Goat for understanding what I was trying to convey - and for allowing me to be vulnerable without taking advantage of that vulnerability.

Happy Sunday, and God Bless.

Virtual Tin Cup

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