Saturday, August 11, 2007

Do They Really Care?

Nothing shows the moral and political nihilism of the right wing more than they're oft-stated desire for another terrorist attack to vindicate they're lack of leadership over the past six years. This is the latest example. It's disgusting, anti-American, and hateful. There isn't even the presence of logic to make it understandable. It is just the wish for greater deaths in order to clamp down even further on control of the country - it is the pursuit of power, pure and simple.

The idea that it "may take another terrorist attack to wake the people up" is ludicrous. The idea that somehow the people of this country aren't aware of the threat of potential terror attacks ignores the reality that the Bush Administration refuses to pursue the terrorists, occupying Iraq and threatening Iran instead. Osama bin Laden is still out there, and we do nothing. al Qaeda is as strong as it was before the original attacks, and we do nothing. The idea that the anti-war and anti-Bush folks will be to blame in the face of an attack ignores simple reality. In fact, it will vindicate everything we have been saying for years. Sadly, the deaths, destruction, etc. will be laid at the feet of people who obviously do not care about human life, even American lives. That there might be a further crackdown on our Constitutional rights in the wake of such an attack (not that there are many left for them to tear to shreds . . .) is scary. That they all seem to want one makes one wonder how hard they will work to prevent it. I might once have dismissed such talk as conspiracy and fear-mongering. Now, who knows?

This is the party of responsibility. This is the party of morality. This is the party of national defense. This is the party of patriotism. They fail at all three, even as they shout ever more loudly that it is we bloggers and anti-war and anti-Bush folks who are to blame. They are a bunch of clowns, and should we survive the next few years, it will be despite, not because, of the Bush Administration.

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