Tuesday, July 03, 2007

My Temper Is Short Today, So This Fool Is Not Suffered Gladly

Over at Faith in Public Life is a link to this column in the Cleveland Plains Dealer. The gist of the column can be summed up as follows: The First Amendment is nice, but it is bothersome at times.

All the crap about religion being necessary for morality is just that - crap. All that crap about religion being necessary for social cohesion is just that - crap. All that crap about religion as a necessary part of everyone's lives whether they acknowledge it or not is just that - crap.

Remember back in the dim, dark 1990's, when there was so much weeping and gnashing of teeth over Bill Clinton's badly completed oral adventures? "This just sends the message that this kind of thing is OK". One heard that ad nauseum. Now that we have an Administration that considers the Constitution to be irrelevant, is it any wonder we have pundits who can write garbage like this and ask that it be taken seriously? After all, the President is ignoring the Constitution, why can't the rest of us?

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