Monday, July 02, 2007

The Libby Commutation and Impeachment: The Best Argument Yet

So it happened. While outrageous, it isn't exactly surprising. Commutation lets it look like Libby is being punished without there being any real punishment. No jail time; the enablers of this crooked gang that work for the major media outlets can crow about real justice being done to poor wittle Scooter.

With this single act, Bush has demonstrated that impeachment proceedings need to begin tomorrow in the House of Representatives. Bush & Cheney both need to go. Now. They have shown nothing but contempt for this country, its security, its laws, and its constitution. It is time to get them out of office. Now. They were never deserving of the high offices entrusted to them. They have repeatedly shown their ineptitude at simple governance. They have repeatedly shown their disdain for democracy, for republican virtues and mores, and for the people of this country. Now, they have shown that they do not care about the rule of law in the most transparent way possible. There is no more reason to equivocate, argue, discuss, debate, or defer. Don't call the White House to register your outrage. They shut the phones off; not because they care what anyone thinks, but because all those calls are such a bother, and irrelevant in any case.

I would prefer a call to the members of the House Judiciary Committee. Get the ball rolling. End this charade once and for all.

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