Sunday, April 08, 2007

Having Your Cake and Eating It, Too

My good friend, the Portuguese doctor, has a post on a recent debate in France, a debate that included the ultra-right-winger Jean Marie le Pen (the post is in Portuguese, with translation provided by Babelfish). The debate, sponsored by Elle magazine, centered on issues of women's rights and the role of women in society. During the course of the debate, on the issue of pregnancy outside marriage, Le Pen offered the idea that masturbation was a possible conception control alternative for women.

You may or may not recall that we once has a Surgeon General in the United States who was raked over the coals for bringing up the "m" word when discussing sexual education. By the right wing.

Apparently Le Pen is so stupid, or ignorant (why not both?) that he has no conception (pun not originally intended, but why not run with it?) that women may just want to have their cake and eat it, too. Being sexual is not something that one turns on and off, a feeling that can pass through the judicious use of fingers or toys.

In the comments, I wrote that Le Pen was one of those people who is so dumb we should actually demand back all the oxygen wasted to keep him alive.

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