Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Reality and Pundit Fantasy: Glenn Greenwald , the Whine, & Mainstream Idiocy

In this post Glenn Greenwald dissects, or perhaps vivisects, the way Washington punditry. By pointing out, again and again, that the completely fabricated "Harman vs. Hstings" nonsense was never about who chaired the House Intelligence COmmittee, but was part of a larger, still fetal, narrative creation of the recently-elected House Democratic majority as divided, back-biting lefties led by a vindictive harpy with values from her home town, er, something like that. What is so surprising is not that this particular piece of Inside-the-Beltway (another phrase I find so fascinating; does that mean Bethesda? Greenbelt? Vienna?) fantasy brought to us by the same people who bought five and a half years of Bush Administration lies and called it news; the same people who said the country would never elect Democrats to control Congress (even as all polls suggested otherwise); the same people who banged their forheads five times in ritual kow-tow to Karl Rove prior to the election, dutifully transcribing his every syllable of his math that proved, like non-calculus physics, horribly wrong in every particular. This is the same class of people that take David Broder as a sage, and treat Henry Kissinger as an elder statesman rather than an elderly war criminal.

I am beginning to detect more than a bit of whine about Duncan at Atrios, Jane Hamsher over at FireDogLake, and now Glenn Greenwald that sounds a bit like this, reported day after day - the mainstream pundits are continually wrong and we are continually correct, yet no one listens to us. Wah! Wah! Wah!

Memo to the big guys: People are listening. More important, people are no longer taking seriously the garbage spewed by Washington-based pundits. Didn't we just have an election that kind of showed us that. More to the point, why would you want to be taken seriously by people who not only despise you, but whose judgement is so severly in error? Stay where you are, keep doing what you are doing, and allow the mainstream pundits to do all the whining as the country succeeds doing the exact opposite of their advice.

Glenn's column is a cure for the idiocy of the mainstream pundits. But, leave the whine corked. Pop some bubbly instead, for the victory you have helped achieve.

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