Monday, November 08, 2010


I discovered yet another wonderful band today, called Wookiefoot. As I watched a couple vids at YouTube to acquaint myself with them, I got to thinking about something that has actually been brewing for quite a while.

Why can't our Christian worship services more closely resemble something like this?

This is pure joy and celebration. Dancing and exuberance as a people gathered together celebrate . . . being together.

Now, I know there will be those who will say, "What about contemporary praise worship?" Most contemporary praise music is, to be blunt, quite awful. Musically it is bland and formulaic. Lyrically, it is usually more about celebrating how marvelous it is to be me, the one saved, rather than praising God, anyway. Whether it's Deadheads spinning in endless circles, headbangers pounding to the beat, or the folks at this festival simply celebrating life, why is this missing from our worship experience?

At what point was it decreed that Christian worship must be bland, boring, even morose?

Why should we feel it necessary to yield celebration to secular experiences, aided by cannabis?

I would love to see a worship service where everyone takes risks, demands not just hands raised (and oh Lord how I do not like that Sam I am), but dancing, losing oneself in the moment. I would love to hear a huge variety of music, including supposedly secular music that nevertheless praises God.

I'd settle for a pastor with dreads, which I think are awesome.

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