Monday, November 08, 2010

Call To Action Accepted By Council Of Bishops

As if it's any surprise the Council wouldn't buy something it had already paid for.

I cannot and will not even attempt to surpass the words of this post by Rev. Matthew Johnson.
If we want resurrection, maybe scripture is telling us we need to admit that some of the things precious to us are, in fact, dead. Then, in doing so, turn them over to the loving hands of God and the power of God's Word. Maybe, instead of looking to the recent present, we look to the uniqueness of our tradition for answers. Maybe, if we are reasonable, we'd see that our action plans have been utilized —and since abandoned — by corporations because they failed. Maybe, if we listened to experience, we would hear the dissenting voice as having value in this conversation and not be so hurried.

But the grieving cannot do these things. And I must remember to be patient with the grieving. I will continue to be present, church. I am saddened that this is so hard for you. I only ask that you please take care of what remains lest we all end up in the same place. And when you are ready to finally talk about what is happening to us from a God perspective, I will be ready to share.

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