Sunday, October 03, 2010

Today's Most Horrible Person - Bill Donohue

Bill Donohue is the head of something called The Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights. He gets a lot of face time on television defending pretty much anything that spews from Vatican City, and its current Supreme Pontiff. In the midst of the on-going revelations that priests around the world - so far legal cases have arisen in the US, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Germany, France, and Belgium - saw boys in their congregation as fair game, and that there would be no repercussions from pursuing these boys, Donohoue actually crosses a line from which, in my opinion, there is no turning back.

The priests were gay, not pedophiles; the victims were post-pubescent, therefore not boys, and most of the allegations involve inappropriate touching, not rape. Therefore, the whole scandal is nothing more than a lie dreamed up by those who hate the Roman Catholic Church.
t's time to ask some tough questions. Why did this young man not object earlier? Why did he allow the "abuse" to continue until he was 18? The use of the quotes is deliberate: the charge against the former priest is not rape, but rubbing. While still objectionable, there is a glacial difference between being rubbed and raped.

Here's what we know. We know that this case, like most of them, was the work of a homosexual, not a pedophile. And like most of the cases of priestly sexual misconduct, there was no rape involved. Inappropriate touching is morally wrong, and the offenders should be punished, but the time has come to object to all those pundits who like to say that the scandal is all about child rape. Most of the cases did not involve children—they were post-pubescent males—and most weren't raped.
Rather than "critique" this particular bit of slime, let me just say that, had Donohue any courage whatsoever, any willingness to rescue his beloved Church from the criminal and moral sewer in which it currently festers, he would shut up.

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