Friday, April 16, 2010

Don't Know Nothin' 'Bout 'Nothin' At All

First, yes, I have been lurking. Much as I know I should steer clear, I just can't.

Yet, this post smacked me between the eyes. Specifically, the following section from this comment:
This is just your own arrogance. You dishonor God by your flippant comment, just as if you took His name in vain. By saying He will remember (to Noah) is to suggest that Noah remember as well.

As for the creation stories, I don't need to change anything to make it agree since it doesn't contradict each other.

Quite apart from the pronoun not agreeing with the previous noun (a singular pronoun referring to a plural noun), he actually wrote that. Marshall Art, who insists we liberals aren't Christian, don't read the Bible, and don't know what we're talking about when we talk about the Bible actually wrote the two creation stories don't contradict one another.

Please give me one reason why I should take seriously anything this man writes. Ever. Again. Or, perhaps, better yet - don't. This single passage is enough proof he is really and truly not to be regarded with any seriousness whatsoever.

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