Friday, March 26, 2010

Reaping The Whirlwind

All the disingenuousness among Republicans concerning post-HCR-passage violence is starting to make me a bit angry. The simple fact is, last summer when the Tea Party got going with the Town Hall nuttiness, the Republicans in Congress saw this as an opportunity to whip up opposition to HCR. Over the intervening months, they continued to use the teabaggers and others as the "voice of opposition", giving tacit support to idiots like Rush Limbaugh and whack jobs like Glenn Beck. The rhetoric was of a piece: HCR was a direct assault on the Constitution of the United States; there were death panels; we are on the road to some kind of totalitarianism; on and on and on.

Now, it has passed. All that rhetoric, all that talk of an unAmerican President who hates white people and is a socialist hell-bent on destroying the fabric of our politics and society has achieved his singular goal as stated during his campaign - the passage of major health care reform. And the result? Why, all sorts of violence, not only against members of Congress (the first person who mentions Eric Cantor gets deleted; the story has already been debunked by the Richmond Police Department) and even a private citizen sporting an Obama bumper sticker on his car.

To those on the right who are truly outraged by all this behavior, I salute you.

To those on the right, however, who continue to spew nonsense about "American Descent" and our Marxist President and how he and the Democratic Party are destroying our Constitutional freedoms, all I can say is, if you lie down with pigs, don't be surprised if you wake up muddy and smelling like pigshit. Also don't be surprised if other people tell you you're dirty and stink.

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