Friday, March 26, 2010

The Pope's Priorities

The revelation that Pope Benedict XVI was up to his eyeballs covering up pedophilia among Irish priests (we know he was directly involved there) even as he excommunicated Leonardo Boff for daring to preach good news to the poor in Brazil (liberation theology! oh, no, it's communism baptized!!!) shows how screwy Josef Ratzinger's priorities are.

Some guy who molests little kids gets shuffled around Ireland like the Jack of Hearts in a poker game, popping up (no pun intended) in parishes with fresh little boys to hurt, while making sure no Brazilian poor get the word that God might be on their side.

Makes me glad I'm not Roman Catholic because I'd have to find a new denomination.

Most denominations are quite good at doing the right thing. Not only did Ratzinger make sure the Catholic Church didn't do the right thing, they threatened the victims with excommunication if they went public.

It's like 1517 all over again.

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