Friday, October 30, 2009

Some Actual Evidence Would Be Nice

This piece at Alternet, which I would ask you to read in its entirety, is a piece of garbage. The beginning has nothing at all to do with the substance of the piece. The "silly ideas" are offered without any links or quotes to those who allegedly hold them. Furthermore, the ideas she presents are a parody of fundamentalist ideas gussied up.

God guides evolution . . . The human soul . . . A sentient universe . . . I'm trying to think of a liberal theologian of whom I'm aware (other than Tielhard de Chardin, hardly a major influence on contemporary thought either Christian or otherwise) that comes close to these ideas. The last one, especially, is weird, anthropic-principle sounding stuff that is just gobbledygook.

I was figuring she was going to smackdown on liberals (like me) who believe in the bodily resurrection of Jesus, say, or the Trinity. Instead, she invents stuff out of whole cloth to smear people with.

She's like a low-rent Sam Harris, who is already in the public-housing division of anti-religious crusaders.

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