Saturday, October 03, 2009

Saturday Rock Show

U2's lead singer Bono once said that the band's guitarist The Edge was spare with his playing because he believed that one had only a limited number of notes allocated to one in life, and Edge wanted to live as long as possible.

Applying that philosophy to this young band, Scale the Summit, it seems they believe they are going to die young. Or, one can say they are so enthusiastic to show the world they can play, they haven't taught themselves the discipline of songwriting yet. While technical virtuosity is certainly an admirable quality, when it is tempered by service to the goal of crafting a coherent melody and harmony, it becomes something even more powerful. I just hope that the Sturm und Drang underway in the recording industry allows them the possibility to learn that discipline, because they do have potential. This is "Sargasso Sea".

The lead guitarist plays an eight-string, the rhythm guitarist plays a seven-inch, the bass player a six-string, so they are impressive just in their choice of instruments.

Virtual Tin Cup

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