Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Reviving A Theme (UPDATE)

Liberal blogs are a-twitter (no pun intended, because I don't subscribe) with a Newsmax column that certainly seems to endorse the idea of a military coup against Pres. Obama (TPM archived the original, which is good, because Newmax has removed it).

This isn't exactly new. From May, 2007, courtesy of the Hoover Institute's resident token*, Thomas Sowell:
When I see the worsening degeneracy in our politicians, our media, our educators, and our intelligentsia, I can’t help wondering if the day may yet come when the only thing that can save this country is a military coup.

While I have been criticizing many anti-democratic tendencies on the American Left of late, there is little doubt that a far more vile and dangerous version lives in the fever swamps of the right.

The only thing that saddens me is time on our 24 hour news channels will be wasted discussing not how awful and anti-American this is, but whether or not the military really is thinking coup.

UPDATE: I didn't read the column in question before I wrote about it, but it is actually even more frightening to read than to read about. There are dangerous people out there. Good God.
*By calling Sowell "token", I am referring to the fact that he is African-American and conservative. While he has produced interesting studies of the economic roles of minority populations in various settings - the Chinese in southeast Asia, for example - for the most part he exists where he does solely because of his race. A middling intellect married with a typical academic's desire to publish or perish and conservative political cred add up to a very sorry state of affairs, whereby Sowell is being used and either doesn't know it, or doesn't care because he is on the catbird seat, so to speak.

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