Friday, October 23, 2009

I Don't Like Media Whores

While it is nice to see that a liberal member of Congress has a set of testicles and is not afraid to use them (politically), my guess is Rep. Alan Grayson is becoming a bit too enamored of all the attention he is getting. Like Newt Gingrich, Joe Lieberman, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, and a few others, saying all sorts of stuff that grabs the attention of journalists is a sure-fire way to raise your favorability ratings; yet, it also runs the risk of saying all sorts of stupid stuff that really is beside the point. What's worse, when you actually start to believe the stuff you're saying, it becomes embarrassing (Newt and Joe . . .).

My hope is Rep. Grayson learns that a well-timed bon mot is far better than just shouting all sorts of things so your name appears in the papers and you get invited on to cable chat shows.

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