Friday, September 11, 2009


All I can say about this story is I'm glad it wasn't one of my kids, because I would be after this guy's job.
A high school football coach in Kentucky used a school bus to take 20 of his players on a "voluntary" trip to his church's Wednesday night worship service where eight of his players were baptized.

The mother of one of the players who went on the trip and was baptized said both happened without her consent or knowledge.


Coach Scott Mooney declined to comment about the field trip, but Breckinridge County (Ky.) Supt. Janet Meeks -- who as a member of the same church was at the service -- defended the trip by saying it was voluntary and another coach paid for the gas. "None of the players were rewarded for going and none were punished for not going," Meeks said.

That the Superintendent sees nothing wrong with this is even worse. So, I guess that would be two professional scalps I would be after.

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