Thursday, September 10, 2009


Having arrived home after five days away last evening, I had better things to do than listen to the President's speech. Perusing initial reactions, it seems the Republicans didn't disappoint on one level, at least.
As President Obama addressed a joint session of Congress on Wednesday night, the nation's rapidly deteriorating discourse hit yet another low.

It happened at 8:40 pm, just after the president vowed to lawmakers that his health-care reform proposals would not provide benefits to illegal immigrants. As millions of Americans watched from home, Rep. Joe Wilson (R-S.C.) shouted at the president from his fifth-row seat: "You lie!"

Murmurs of "ooh" filled the stunned chamber. Nancy Pelosi's chin dropped. Obama moved on to the next sentence in his speech, about how no federal money would be used to fund abortion. "Not true!" came another shout.

The worst thing my mother could say about anyone is they had no class.

Enough said.

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