Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Don't Cry For Me, South Carolina

The story started out kind of weird, got odder, and after a news conference today, kind of melted down and has now taken a turn for the Twilight Zone.

First, South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford (he's a Republican to all those who watch FOXNews) was discovered to have kinda sorta . . . disappeared without a trace over the weekend. His family admitted that, no, they had no idea where he was. His office insisted they were in contact with him. Later, they said that he was off hiking the Appalachian Trail as he contemplated starting a run for the White House in 2012. He suddenly appears, and admits that he wasn't hiking through the boreal forests, especially since a state-owned vehicle that he uses was seen at the Atlanta airport. In fact, he was in Argentina. He promised a news conference, duly delivered, and admitted (after much hemming and hawing) he was in South America with his mistress.

Fine and dandy. I really don't care about any of that, except that he was all about hanging Bill Clinton by his thumbs for a blow job. Maybe if Clinton had received said oral gratification in, say, Ecuador, Sanford would have been cool with it, I don't know. Anyway, despite the hypocrisy and schadenfreude of this particular event, my interest ended with the press conference.

Until I saw this:
Gov. Sanford's wife apparently just put out a statement saying she asked him to leave two weeks ago.

So . . . not only was he lying to the press, perhaps his staff, and the people of the state he governs (and probably his family as well), but now she is caught having lied to the press. See, this whole thing could have been cleared up when she was contacted over the weekend and said, in short, "My husband is a lying, cheating sack of crap whom I've asked to never darken my doorway again. He has obliged and I'm quite content, even though I'm still living in the manse the state provides the wife of the governor. Oh, and family values rock."

Except, of course, she waits until today to release a statement.

The news is becoming surreal.

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