Sunday, June 21, 2009

All RIght, Huckleberry, What Would You Do?

As the violence in Iran continues, deaths mount, the Ayatollahs clamp down, the BBC gets kicked around, Twitter and Facebook get blocked and used as sources for finding dissidents, Sen. Lindsay Graham of South Carolina wants Pres. Obama to do more.
He’s certainly moving in the right direction, but our point is that there is a monumental event going on in Iran, and you know, the President of the United States is supposed to lead the free world, not follow it. Other nations have been more outspoken, so I hope that we’ll hear more of this, because the young men and women taking the streets in Tehran need our support. The signs are in English. They are basically asking for us to speak up on their behalf.

That's his complaint? The President hasn't spoken out more? Are you freakin' serious?!?

US history of interference in Iranian politics goes back over half a century, to a CIA-engineered coup in 1953, and two decades of funding for one of the most brutal dictatorships in the world. It seems to me that Pres. Obama is doing exactly right - he has spoken out, and quite forcefully, on the violence and suppression of peaceful demonstrations by the Iranian security forces. What else can he do? Would issuing a proclamation every five minutes help?

I wonder what Huck would do were he President? Send in the Special Forces? Broadcast an appeal to the Iranian government in Farsi? Maybe send his Vice President on a secret mission with a cake and a Bible like his hero, Ronald Reagan?

A few days ago, Charles Krauthammer whined about Pres. Obama calling the Supreme Leader of Iran, Ayatollah Khameini, the "Supreme Leader". I kid you not. That is how far gone these people are. The Republicans want Obama to "do more", yet what more can he possibly do that will really make a difference?

The reality is, whether we like it or not, this is an internal problem for the Iranian people. I don't like it, I would like to see change there, but it seems to me with the security forces and military squarely behind the current Islamic Republic, the Guardian Council, and Pres. Ahmedinejad, the outcome is preordained. Unless the security forces switch sides, or the military backs off, or the Guardian Council decides enough Iranian blood has been spilled and perhaps changes need to be made, we are going to see a few more days (at most) of violence, and then when enough folks are dead or in prison, it will all be over.

And no volume of words by Pres. Obama, or Lindsay Graham, or Charles Krauthammer, or anybody else, will change that.

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