Wednesday, May 13, 2009

What It's About

I was going to do this post yesterday, got discouraged, but decided to try it again. . .

A friend of mine at work asked me last night, "What is Facebook?"

I said, "It's like MySpace for adults." In a way, that's true. At the same time, it works better than MySpace. Your profile isn't sitting there for anyone to see; only those you "friend" have access to it. There isn't a lot of froo-froo bling that makes the page look like it was designed by anime artists. As it becomes more popular, more and more people sign on; I've gotten in touch with a bunch of people from high school, people I haven't spoken to in 25 years. It's a wonderful way to reconnect.

It does have its downsides. Apparently, one person I know was actually booted off FB because something he typed in jest was deemed "offensive" by someone anonymous. Not only was the comment not offensive, I'm not sure how it could have been construed as such.

There are also an abundance of stupid little quizzes and other "stuff" that can clog your in box. Some of them are fun, most are really quite stupid. Fortunately, you can ignore these at your pleasure.

For me, though, the benefits outweigh the bad stuff. I keep it banal over there - no politics or religion (except for some music on Sundays) - and much prefer a good laugh to a good argument. Some regulars here are my friends there, but there are one or two - Alan, Feodor, Dan - who would be more than pleasant additions. You don't have to log in every day, or even every week. It is a good way to stay in touch, catch up, and be reminded that your life is far richer than you might think.

Virtual Tin Cup

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