Monday, May 11, 2009

A Challenge To (Gulp!) Neil

Yeah, OK, I admit it. I was reading . . . here . . . and in the little "Roundup" he does, he wrote the following, without links, without references, without anything. It's just a bald statement:
Liberal Christianity vs. orthodox Christianity: Real Christianity tells you that forgiveness for your sins is available in Jesus. Liberal Christianity will tell you that you don’t need forgiveness.

Now, being a Liberal Christian and also one who considers himself pretty orthodox (all that Trinity/Incarnation/Grace stuff, you know) I just want to know who, exactly, he is talking about. I challenge Neil to find a real liberal theologian - not John Shelby Spong or some other boogeyman, but a quote from, say, Paul Tillich, or Reinhold Niebuhr or Langdon Gilkey or John Cobb - that says what Neil says. Furthermore, I want to know what, exactly, are the differences between a "liberal" Christian and an "orthodox" Christian, in his mind.

Virtual Tin Cup

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