Monday, April 27, 2009

Advice From The Lovelorn

Thanks to Duncan, I managed to read a pretty apt criticism of this icky piece of sludge. I'll let you check the links if you wish, but I wanted to add my own thoughts to the whole "get-hitched-early" business.

Why is it that people like this seem to frown and wag their fingers at other people for the choices they make? Who are these young-people-not-marrying hurting? From the article, it is pretty clear that Regnerus thinks "themselves" is the answer. Yet, if that were really the case - if young women were, indeed, as a class, hurting themselves in the long run (don't even get me started on the "shelf life" crap; good Lord but that's awful), it would seem that their younger peers would see the damage wrought and change their behavior.

Of course, Duncan is correct that what we are really reading is the view of a dirty old man, a nosy Nelly who sees all these single ladies in their early-20's being, well, single ladies in their early-20's and is both attracted and repulsed by their actions. Imagine young women behaving that way! I wonder how often Regnerus sits around in bars doing "field research"; it's actually kind of creepy.

When will others besides us filthy liberal bloggers tell these dirty old men to get their minds out of the gutter and mind their own business?

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