Thursday, March 06, 2008

Three Conversations

I'm going to try something here that either will fall flat or might elicit a good response. I want you to give me three different conversations you would like to have with three different persons from your life, and a quick summary of those. What follows are my three, and what they might be, and why. Obviously, feel free to give as much information as you feel comfortable giving.

First, I would like to sit with my paternal grandmother and tell her that it would have been far better to have spoken of the deaths of her younger brother (in WWI) and oldest son (in a horrible car accident) than to have insisted on silence. Far better to remember those who have lived than to have the fact of their deaths always before us.

Second, I would like to sit with my best childhood friend and tell him that nothing he went through was worth killing himself over.

Finally, I would like to sit down with one particular woman from my past, and just catch up. I want to find out what's been happening in her life, tell her about mine. I would like to congratulate her on what's she's achieved, and find out if she replaced one psycho car with another over the years.

That's the template. Go ahead.

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