Thursday, March 06, 2008


I was going to do something else, but I came across a couple posts at a couple different places just now that are breathtaking in the way they loop in to fairy land.

First, over at Tbogg, we have the surprising ability of one right-winger to figure out, in detail, the source of this morning's bombing in front of a military recruiting office in Times Square. As he says, this has been another episode of CSI:Hooterville.

Brad at Sadly, No! gives us the skinny on the latest from Glenn Reynold's wife's blog, in which she relates how prepared she is to face the crumbling of American society because she's read a book.

One guy thinks he's Sherlock-freaking-Holmes because CBS has three different series on forensic science. A woman knows she's prepared for Invasion USA because she has a book in her basement on guns. In that case, I'm ready to tour with either Led Zeppelin or Wynton Marsalis because I've got books on rock bands and jazz. Also, I could fight in a war because I have books on WWI, WWII, Korea, and Vietnam. I could be a wizard because I have all seven Harry Potter books; I could be a gangster because I have seen Goodfellas and The Godfather about fifteen times each. I could captain a starship because of the number of times I have watched Star Trek and its various spin-offs.

Why are these people taken seriously, instead of taken in to protective custody?

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