Sunday, October 21, 2007

The Latest Sermon Series

My wife has been enjoying a year away from the Lectionary, preaching several interconnected sermon series. This is her latest. Today was on "Fair Trade" - related to Scriptures in Leviticus, Proverbs, and the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus in St. Luke's Gospel.

This spoke to me in a way that is difficult to articulate. As I encounter bloggers who write things like this:
What we have here is the Dems creating a concern, health care, and setting themselves up as the saviors. No thanks. Keep your hands out of my wallet.

it is nice to hear it driven home that, in fact, our wallets are not our own. The decisions we make, whether it is which coffee to buy, which stores at which to shop, or which health care plan to buy in to effect the lives of people all over the world. The care we must take, if we are to live in such a way that all our lives are focused on the Gospel demand to love others, should make us aware that our wallets are just a way station along the way for a resource that has the power of life and death over others.

You can hear her sermons via podcast, or purchase them online, if you so desire. All the money goes to the church and its ministries.

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