Tuesday, October 23, 2007

ALRIGHT!!! Except For The Little Bit About Grace . . .

Just when I felt resolve entering my heart that I had firmly decided to take a stand against nonsense, as I wrote here the other day, I come across Pastor Dan's latest Bible Study at Street Prophets, and I am confronted with my own judgmentalism, hypocrisy, and limited grasp of whatever passes for truth in the universe.

In the face of God's grace - a grace that can turn a murderer in to an apostle; a grace that can turn a denier in to the Rock of the Church; a grace that even includes me within its embrace - what possible reason to do I have for thinking I can say some of the things I have said?

Yet, I do not take them back, either. I am facing, not a dilemma or contradiction, but a conflict between the contingent facts of my own time and the promptings of my heart, and my own belief in the transcendent, all-embracing power of God's love and grace. Jesus said to forgive seventy times seven times. I cannot pretend that I have reached the 491st time I have been transgressed upon, here.

I do believe that I need some time to think, eh?

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