Saturday, October 06, 2007

Even More Stuff That Makes Me Want To Cry

I usually don't do this kind of thing. I enjoy the way the folks at Sadly!No take apart, with equal parts outrage, logic, commonsense, and a good dose of humor, the outrageous idiocy that flows like blood from the stone of right-wing writers. I reach the end of my tether on occasion, however, because I read something where the stupid is luminescent, a kind of transcendent insanity that is greater than the words that make it up. I offer, for your perusal, Gavin's attempt to find a through-line in a piece written by the never-redoubtable Jonah Goldberg.

Reading Goldberg on his own is a bit like entering a fun house designed by someone with Down's Syndrome - it isn't so much scary as it is just confusing. The floors and walls aren't plumb and even. The doors have no hinges. Even the mirrors don't work right.

The thought that thousands of people take him seriously, that he spouts his fact-free nonsense on national television - it is frustrating that someone as monumentally dumb as this is one of the framers of our national discourse. That in itself is enough to make we weep.

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