Sunday, September 30, 2007

How Liberal/Conservative Are You? Here's My Score, Now It's Your Turn (UPDATED)

I found this somewhere along the way today, took the test, and here are my scores with a link. Let me know, eh? By the way, the only thing that surprised me was the "25%" score on defense and crime issues - that should be around "0%" with the rest of them!
Your Political Profile:

Overall: 10% Conservative, 90% Liberal

Social Issues: 0% Conservative, 100% Liberal

Personal Responsibility: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal

Fiscal Issues: 0% Conservative, 100% Liberal

Ethics: 0% Conservative, 100% Liberal

Defense and Crime: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal

UPDATE: I found another, slightly different test here, and it graphs rather than giving percentages. My graph has been added at the top. Try it and see where you come out.

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