Tuesday, March 06, 2007

A Note to Visitors

The addition of Neo-Earth, while prompting some soul-searching on my part, is also a wonderful tool to give me an idea of how far afield these little missives of mine travel. I have had visitors from China, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Britain, Portugal, Brazil, Canada, Poland, and now, Spain, and Italy. I want to welcome all of you; I hope your expectations aren't too high; I am a provincial blogger - I write about the US most of the time, and religion, and I hope I do not appear too irrelevant to those whose perspective is different, or who might be looking for something else. I can only say that I follow the first rule every beginning writer is given - I write what I know. I also hope that Babelfish helps; it is an imperfect tool, but from my own experience, it does give a reader enough of the flavor of a piece that one can follow along, even if the idiomatic intricacies of various languages are sometimes lost. I keep Babelfish so that my international readers might be able to decipher my scribblings (I sometimes wonder if there shouldn't be one to translate them into better English).

Anyway, welcome. Tell your friends and neighbors that I'm here. You don't have to comment, but you can visit anytime you like. Thanks for stopping by.

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