Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Bush's New Press Secretary

As I noted here, David Broder's column last week in which he offered the prediction of a political come-back for the Bush Administration is among the silliest, sycophantic pieces of non-journalism I have read in quite a while. In an on-line chat, Broder insisted he is not a favorite of the current White House, and challenged anyone to offer proof that he might be.

The Washington Post's resident blogger, Dan Froomkin, does so here (h/t Glenn Greenwald):
The White House press office was so delighted with Broder's column that it sent it out to the entire White House press corps this morning at 6:44 a.m. under the heading: "In Case You Missed It."

You know who a person is by who that person's friends are. 'Nuff said.

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