Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Updates With Links that Prove I'm a Genius

I wrote the other day about Joe Biden's cowardly refusal to stand up to Bush's attempt to increase troop levels in Iraq. I said at the time that he was wrong, although I admitted that I am no lawyer or Constitutional expert, but if you go to Think Progress.org here and here you will see that experts agree with me. Congress can, and has a duty, to "micromanage" as Biden said, what the Commander-in-Chief does, especially when he does it as continually and repeatedly horribly as Bush has done.

I have been saying for weeks that we are in a different political environment, and that part of the changes in that environment are the way ways blogs have changed the political discourse and public dialogue in this country. If you visit my hero Glenn Greenwald here he has a bit on Al Gore saying the same thing. There is also a note on the stories linked above about Congress' ability to check Presidential war-making powers.

Man. I'm on a roll.

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