Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Musical Interlude and Promo

I am not a fan of Contemporary Christian Music. Growing up in the late '70's-early'80's, what I was exposed to was either really bad countrified music, or even worse pop-pabulum that had neither musical nor lyrical substance. Little to which I have been exposed since has changed my mind.

Except for Casting Crowns.

In the winter of 2004, I was driving a truck. I was sitting in Davenport, IA, waiting interminably to be unloaded. I was flipping the radio stations and came across this song, the power of which caught me almost immediately. As I sat and listened, I knew I had found something different. I wept as I listened to the words.
The song, "The Voice of Truth", relates the stories of Peter called upon the sea and David before Goliath - both of whom are facing situations that should paralyze us with fear. Hearing the voice of truth - God whispering in our ear, telling us it will be OK, take that step, challenge that giant - gives us what we need to face not just that which brings fear, but all the other jeering voices reminding us of our previous failures. That little, whispered voice is greater than all the raucous laughter and taunts - because that little whisper is from the voice of the One who has made us, and in making us, knows us better than we know ourselves, and in knowing us, loves us more than we could ever comprehend.

For those who think that all CCM is "Praise Jesus & George Bush", listen to the song "The American Dream" for a searing indictment of consumerism and the rat race that sounds, to my ears, like a cross between the Harry Chapin song "Cats in the Cradle" and the classic folk song "Tiny Boxes".

I still don't listen to CCM that much. There is passion here, though. More than passion, though, there is a gift. More than passion, and a gift, there is the Spirit that breathes and gives life. Check 'em out. Be prepared to wipe a tear or two, though.

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