Friday, November 19, 2010

If You Can't Win The Argument, Change The Topic

I was going to write a post pondering what a specifically Wesleyan approach to sexual ethics might look like. Then, I discovered, first, this marvelous post that attempts a first crack at the subject. Embedded in a comment was a link to this site, a link-heavy clearinghouse for anyone interested in going through a variety of topics.

This was all prompted by seeing this article from UMNS yesterday.

Rather than reinvent the wheel, I thought I would take a moment to consider the following from the article:
The Rev. Thomas Lambrecht, a United Methodist pastor from Wisconsin and a representative of Good News, an unofficial United Methodist evangelical caucus, said “the continued focus on sexuality issues” is a reflection of western culture rather than a theological imperative.

“What we need to focus on is becoming disciples of Jesus Christ and living that out in a variety of ways,” he added.
There are any number of things I could say about this. All I will say is that Good News understands they are losing, if not already lost, may of the debates and discussions on matters of human sexuality within the United Methodist Church. So, rather than revisit arguments they know they can't win, they want to insist that being sexual creatures as created by God has no theological implications.

So, they go from bad sexual ethics to bad doctrine of creation. Like that.

These folks are the ones who insist our doctrine and theologizing is bad.

Too funny.

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