Monday, November 29, 2010

American Exceptions

Thinking about this article. . .

Every western nation has outlawed the death penalty, except the United States.

Every western nation has ratified the treaty authorizing the International Criminal Court, except the United States.

Every western nation has ratified the treaty banning land-mines, except the United States.

Every western nation has a comprehensive energy policy that includes energy conservation and a high tax on the consumption of gas to encourage diversifying our consumption and conservation practices, except the United States.

Every western industrialized nation has an infant mortality rate below 6.0 per 1,000 live births, except the United States (our exceptional nation is 45th in the world, just ahead of the Faroe Islands, just behind the Northern Mariana Islands).

Every country in the world that has signed the Kyoto treaty on global warming has ratified it, except the United States.

See, there's no reason to doubt American exceptionalism. It's there for anyone to see!

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