Thursday, February 25, 2010

He Had No Staff

Disgraced former House Speaker Newt Gingrich:
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said yesterday that many Capitol Hill staffers have never worked at a real job. “Of course it’s the nature of the modern Congress, which hires lots of nice young staffers who have never had a real job,” said Gingrich. He added that they “spent their entire life being arrogant to visitors from back home” and “write legislation as though they have some contact with reality.”

So . . .

He manages to insult thousands of hard-working public servants, including members of his former office staff.

Except, considering Gingrich's history of evasion of something resembling contact with facts, it might just be he didn't have a staff to keep him up from putting his foot in his mouth.

That would explain a lot.

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