Monday, January 11, 2010

Dump Reid (UPDATE)

I had heard something about Harry Reid over the weekend. Now, having read what, exactly, all the hubbub is about, I can only say - at the very least get this guy out of leadership. While the right-wing scree, "He's worse than Trent Lott!" is bogus, having someone in a position of senior leadership who has racial views that echo Talmadge and Russell of a generation ago is simply unconscionable. Whether or not he leaves the Senate is up to the voters of Nevada; he needs no longer to hold any position of authority in the United States Senate.

UPDATE: In all honesty, I couldn't care less what Eleanor Holmes Norton says. There are differences between both the rhetoric and record of Trent Lott and Harry Reid, but that is beside the point. This is more the case of a straw breaking a camel's back. We need better leadership in the Senate, and Reid's troglogytic comments push me far past the point where I can believe he will be or can be useful.

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