Sunday, January 03, 2010

Does Human Life Have Value?

Every time I hear a right-winger talk about the sanctity of human life, I want to barf. Truth is, they don't care one bit about real human life, except perhaps their own, or that of those who look just like them. If one needs any more evidence - besides their fondness for the death penalty, their love for extra-legal murder, their fondness for Bush's wars without purpose or end - I will just cite this (h/t Think Progress):
A Bipartisan Proposal [Cliff May]

Step (1): Return all Gitmo detainees to Yemen.

Step (2): Use Predator missiles to strike the baggage-claim area 20 minutes after they arrive.

Just an idea.

I know someone somewhere will claim this was "just a joke". A willingness to joke about mass-murder is evidence of serious mental illness, or at the very least a kind of moral vacuousness.

Please don't try to make a case for this, because I just bought this laptop and I don't want to get sick all over it trying to read an "argument" supporting sociopathology like this.

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