Tuesday, December 08, 2009

In Which I Attempt An Answer To A Conundrum

Via Duncan Black comes this question:
Still, one thing I've never quite understood is to the extent that they actually believe or claim to believe that it's all some liberal conspiracy, just what is it do they think we have to gain from it? What's the point of our little conspiracy?

The answer is really quite easy. You hear it all the time on Rush. In fact, it is one of his great themes. We liberals, really just socialists/communists, want to destroy prosperity out of spite and envy; since it is a product of capitalism, which we loathe, we want to end it. If that means impoverishing the entire world in the process, so much the better. Rather than offer a model of development and a standard of living to which the whole world should aspire, so this argument seems to go, we should destroy American wealth, American industry (or what remains of it, anyway), and our entire economic structure in order to share it with the rest of the world, not in any constructive way - that is, allowing others to copy its merits in order to lift themselves out of poverty - but to get even with all those wealthy people who have achieved something in their lives.

See, to a certain conservative mind-set, we liberals are not motivated by any sense of fellow-feeling, even less any love for all the makes the United States great. Rather, we are motivated by the most base feelings of loathing for all those political and economic and cultural values that make our nation great. Being nihilists, we wish nothing more or less than the destruction of those values in the name of abstractions that sound good, but are merely lies, hiding our true, nefarious desires.

Since any attempt to end global warming would necessitate moving us away from reliance on the oil industry, perhaps any industry as it exists right now, this obviously means that we liberals, standing behind our real leader, Al Gore, want to destroy American prosperity. Since it's snowing outside right now where I am, and since we had, here in northern Illinois, a mild summer by recent standards, global warming is a farce. Retreating glaciers and melting permafrost are as nothing to what is quite visible and plain for anyone to see.

I hope this clears things up.

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