Saturday, September 19, 2009

Why Neil Annoys Me So Much

My previous post should make clear why the gobbledygook on display at Neil Simpson's blog is, quite literally, meaningless for me.

It is far too easy to take a Bible verse and say, "See? See? It's in the Bible!" Everything is in the Bible - infinite compassion and intrigue and murder; incest and sacrificial love; the demand for stringent ethical norms and the display of horrific amorality. One need not go far to find the affirmation of pretty much anything one wants to find.

The idea that this is the sum total of "belief" is nonsenical. The idea that what Neil thinks of as "logic" and "argument" has any force is ludicrous. It is obvious to anyone with any understanding of the centrality of grace - the Gospel message of God's presence incarnate in Jesus Christ as the embodiment of God's infinite love - that it is absent from Neil's earnest and wrongheaded attempts to set us liberals free from our error. As Alan has said repeatedly, for Neil, God is Santa Claus (and, I would add, a 19th-century school teacher who wants us to memorize various things because that is what "learning" is), and Neil wants to make sure his followers get a bunch of presents on Christmas morning.

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