Monday, August 31, 2009

Music For Your Monday

For some reason, the autumnal weather puts me in the mood for Pink Floyd.

I know this is blasphemous to some folks, but just the fact that on their last tour Floyd went all the way back and performed "Astronomy Domine" (even though they didn't include it on the DVD, darn it) has impressed me. Improved technology has made the song better, to my ears anyway, maybe even what they envisioned when they first recorded it.

This performance of the first part of "Echoes", from the film Pink Floyd Live at Pompeii has always impressed me. Yes, it's a bit taxing for those with musical ADD, but the whole song takes up side 2 of their Meddle LP, so at least it's only part of the track. . .

Finally, also from both Meddle and Pink Floyd Live at Pompeii, I love the focus on drummer Nick Mason, and I can't even say why. This is "One of These Days".

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