Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Once More, With Feeling

I've said it before. I'm quite sure I'll say it again. Today, Duncan says it.
Lots of people are squishy about abortion, though I firmly believe the vast majority of people in this country are pro-choice for me if not for thee, but those involved in the anti-abortion movement don't just care about embryos and fetuses, they care about punishing women for unapproved fucking.

He is commenting on this little nugget from Matt Yglesias.
It’s precisely because of stances like this that it’s very hard to take the “abortion is murder” crowd seriously when they say abortion is murder. Their revealed behavior indicates that they don’t actually find abortion especially problematic, but just place it on a spectrum containing a general aversion to women controlling their own sexuality

Which is why I get so peeved when people start shedding crocodile tears for all those "pre-born" babies, fully-human fetuses (feti?), and other non-existent fetishes. It isn't about the poor suffering fetus, screaming with non-existent vocal chords from the depths of non-existent lungs from pain felt through non-existent nerves.

It's all about power over women, and the deep fear of women's sexuality.

And, of course, forcing poor people to pay for their sins, but not rich, white, Republican governors.

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