Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Even FOXNews Is Getting Skittish

The following video of FOXNews anchor Shepard Smith reading a representative sample of the kind of crazy-talk he receives via email - and we see on a daily basis - makes me wonder what might become of Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity in the wake of today's shooting at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum.

Hannity pumps the socialism/birther crap; Beck adds just a hint of nonsensical crazy to the mix. One wonders if a kind of network self-awareness might coalesce as the violence increases.

On a personal note, I have to add that James von Brunn is a year older than my father, which I hate to admit actually kind of impresses me. A guy his age should be dottering around an old-folks home somewhere, or perhaps working in his garden chasing kids off his lawn and complaining about the neighbor's dog pissing on his peony bush. Instead, he's wounded in a firefight with police. Hate certainly seems enough to have kept him going.

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